The new year’s editions of the Study Guides have been released! They are now available on Amazon.com in either print or electronic (Kindle) editions.
A decision was made to end the iBook versions of these books, pending your inputs! The problem is that
You have heard of good news and bad news, I’m sure. The bad news is that there will, in all likelihood, not be a 2019 book on iBooks. I’m in the process of dropping the iBooks format.
The good news – I am going exclusively to Kindle for electronic and to Amazon for printed books. The reason is that the iBook format required me to mirror every change in both the paper/printed format and also the iBook format. It is a lot of work to align the formats since they are created with different programs. The Kindle platform uses the same file for print and paper format, so they are always aligned perfectly, including page layout. Here is the link for the 2019 books on Amazon.

I can still update the 2018 iBook to the 2019 version, but the danger of missing changes is very real since there were significant changes with the December update for some of the books. I plan to pull the 2018 iBook version down from the iBook sales platform very soon, but you can still download (forever) the most recent update for any book you purchased there. I’m still evaluating if there is another way to do the iBook that is not so difficult, but that may require one more reinvention of the publishing wheel, and I’m pretty busy in retirement with a graduate program to figure out how to shape my next chapter (of life!) I know. No whining zone. But that is the reality.
The Amazon / Kindle package is pretty cool. If you buy a retail print book, you can get the Kindle version (using Kindle Matchbook) for only $2.99. So you get both for about what you would pay for the printed book from Crew Outfitters when you include shipping.
That is the marketing approach for now. Still learning the Amazon/Kindle empire… Please let me know if you have further questions.