This site is by a pilot for pilots. It presents a consistent format study guide for four different commercial airline types. These guides have proven effective for thousands of airline pilots over a twenty-five year period, and are now available to the general aviation community through this site.
Latest Blog post:
737-MAX Safety Issues
Book Versions
There are two versions currently available:
♦ Digital Format—Available in Amazon Kindle format
♦ Traditional / Print (you know, like on real paper?)
Print Source — 8½ x 11″ paperback format.
♦ Through Amazon
♦ Through Crew Outfitters
Publications currently available include:
♦ MD-80
What are we doing here?
Flying airplanes in any airspace is challenging. Flying complex, multi-crew transport category aircraft in high-density, fast-paced operations is incredibly complex. Pilots need to understand their aircraft systems well — a preliminary step to any flying operation. These guides take thousands of pages of manufacturer and operational data and compress that data into outline formatted, highly graphical pages that can be read alongside the required operating manuals. They are designed to be used as an aid to learning and as a refresher at any time after initial training.
We are all about making it comprehensible and attainable. You can do it. We can help!
See the latest versions of the 2023 Study Guides
View Available Books
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We’ve been working to provide clarity to pilots
for over 30 years…